Algae are of any various green, red, or brown organisms that grow mostly in water, ranging in size from single cells to large spreading seaweeds. Like plants, algae manufacture their own food through photosynthesis and release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. They also fix large amounts of carbon, which would otherwise exist in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
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Sea lettuces contain large amounts of polysaccharides, which constitute around 38%-54% of the dry matter. These include four polysaccharides families in sea lettuces: two major ones, the water-soluble ulvan and insoluble cellulose, and two minor ones, xyloglucan and glucuronan (Lahaye and Robic, 2007). Continue Reading
Sea Cucumbers or holothurians are spiky-skinned animals of the phylum Echinodermata (class Holothuroidea). Related species are the sea lily, sea urchin, starfish, and sand dollars. Sea cucumbers are soft, wormlike marine animals commonly found in shallow-water areas of the sea to deep ocean floors and amid corals. Continue Reading
Seaweed farming is the practice of cultivating and harvesting seaweed. In its most simple form, it consists of the management of naturally found batches. In its most advanced form, it consists of fully controlling the life cycle of the plant. Types of seaweed that are harvested include Gelidium, Pterocladia, Porphyra, and Laminaria. Continue Reading
In fish farming, wet feed usually consist of meat waste and fish waste mixed with dry additives containing extra nutrients, all formed together in a doughy mass. When thrown into the fish ponds or cages it must hold together and not disintegrate or dissolve in the water. A binder is needed, sometimes a technical grade of alginate is used. It has also been used to bind formulated feeds for shrimp and abalone. Continue Reading
While you may have only seen Spirulia as an ingredient in your green superfood beverages, energy bars and natural supplements, its benefits are so amazing that taken on a daily basis they could restore and revitalize your health! To date, there are nearly 1,200 peer-reviewed scientific articles evaluating its health benefits. Here we would like to mention top 10 of them. Continue Reading
You can differentiate between the seaweed species by their color- red, brown or green. The brown seaweed is widely used because it contains the best gelling properties to bind the other ingredients. Continue Reading
“Extract of seaweed” is often found on the list of ingredients on cosmetic packages, particularly in face, hand and body creams or lotions. This usually refers to the use of alginate or carrageenan in the product, and their uses in cosmetics. More information on the use of these two hydrocolloids, as well as agar, can be found in the reference suggested below for further reading. Continue Reading
From historical times seaweeds have been employed for medical purposes, but it has been difficult to prove that any effect is, in fact, due to substances in the algae. Reference has already been made to the uses of carrageenan, agar and alginates for medicinal purposes. First mention of such uses is probably that in the Chinese herbal “Pen Tsae Kan Mu” (sixteenth century) where certain algae are listed as a cure for goiter. Continue Reading
Fish oil has not historically been a subject of study, and it is only because of the increasing recognition of its importance to human nutrition and health that it has become a topic of interest. The earliest studies on the health benefits of marine fish oil were conducted by Dyerberg and Bang who discovered that the deepwater fish, which contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ѠPFAs), was responsible for the low incidence of heart disease among Eskimo populations. Continue Reading
Ascophyllum nodosum is a large, common brown alga (Phaeophyceae) in the family Fucaceae, being the only species in the genus Ascophyllum. It is seaweed of the northern Atlantic Ocean. Continue Reading
Is Spirulina weight loss real or just another myth?
First thing you should know that there is no simple way to lose weight. Indeed, you should not expect that you can just eat something, a pill, spirulina or whatever, and then lose the weight all the way as easily as it was gained. If it was as easy as buying pills, there would be no obesity. Think of it, why there are plenty of tablets for headache sold over the counter in pharmacies, but none for obesity?
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You already know to eat your daily servings of vegetables, but when is the last time you gave any thought to your sea vegetables? Kelp, a type of seaweed, is chock full of good-for-you nutrients that can give you a lot of benefits for your health and possibly even prevent disease. Continue Reading
Some of the most important human health benefits of dulse include its ability to improve vision, protect the immune system, build bone health, improve the thyroid gland, increase growth and repair, optimize the gastrointestinal system, lower blood pressure, strengthen the brain and nervous system, and boost circulation. Continue Reading
It is officially soup season. My stockpot is staking a permanent position on the stove top, and I just bought a large supply of dried kombu. What is it, and what does it have to do with soup? It is a kind of sea cabbage, otherwise known as seaweed which provides a lot of nutrition for our daily need. It is a natural flavor enhancer that offers huge health benefits for its tiny size. Sea vegetables are one of the most abundant food families on Earth, yet they are surprisingly underused in American cuisine. Continue Reading
Nori (Porphyra) is an edible red seaweed that is popular in East Asia, especially Japan. In the West, it is perhaps best known as the seaweed that wraps pieces of sushi, although it is also used as a garnish, for flavoring noodle dishes and soups, or as a health supplement. Indeed, as it has a lot of human health benefits, more and more health food stores worldwide are beginning to sell it in fresh or dried form. Continue Reading
Sea cucumbers belong to the group of animals called echinoderms. Their closest relatives are starfish and sea urchins. There are over 1250 species of sea cucumbers that can be found in oceans throughout the world. Sea cucumbers usually live on the sea floor. Only few species live near the surface of the water. These animals are used as delicacy and as a part of folk medicine in Asia. Despite increased exploitation of sea cucumbers, they are still numerous in the wild. Sea cucumbers are not on the list of endangered species. We will look into some Interesting Sea cucumber Facts as the following. Continue Reading