The Benefits of Kelp in Weight Loss

Posted on: 11/21/2016 - Viewed: 14350
The Benefits of Kelp in Weight Loss

Kelp Supports A Healthy Metabolism Kelp is a form of seaweed found in shallow ocean waters and forms thick colonies that could almost be described as an “underwater forest.” If you’ve ever gone for a morning run on the beach, you may have seen it washed ashore, often attracting flies. For most people, this scene is enough to discourage the idea of eating seaweed. However, kelp is a natural super food loaded with trace minerals, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Most notably, kelp is a rich, natural source of iodine which can provide adequate levels to stimulate a sluggish thyroid and encourage a healthy metabolism which helps in weight loss.

A well operating metabolism is key for maintaining ideal body weight. Your metabolism, which is regulated by your thyroid gland, is the part of your body responsible for the way you use energy and burn calories; and iodine is the catalyst that jump starts the metabolic processes. The thyroid gland absorbs iodine, which is usually obtained by diet or supplementation, and subsequently releases the hormones that control metabolic function.


When diet and exercise efforts aren’t effective at controlling body weight, a sluggish thyroid may be to blame. Adequate iodine levels are mandatory for ideal thyroid function and optimum metabolic output. In turn, low iodine levels can lead to a condition known as hypothyroidism.


Kelp Provides Additional Systemic Support

Kelp also supports improvement of several conditions often associated with excess fat. It is a rich source of calcium and research published in the June 2011 issue of “Nutrition Reviews,” noted that increased calcium intake may promote “statistically significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals.”


Extra body weight is also found in tandem, usually, with acidic pH levels in the body. Furthermore, an acidic body is a prime environment for sickness and disease. Kelp contains a compound called alkali, which helps balance pH levels.


Loaded with antioxidants, kelp helps neutralize free radical damage; this added detoxification really encourages your entire body to be in balance. Cohesiveness throughout your system is going to be paramount for the best success with weight loss efforts.


Kelp as Part of a Weight Loss Plan

Eating a healthy and balanced diet and participating in regular exercise is the best first step to losing weight and fat. A diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts provides the body with tremendously powerful, dense nutrients without the negative side effects associated with processed foods. Exercise is a fantastic way to burn stored energy (fat) and give your mind and metabolism a boost. As part of a comprehensive approach– not just to weight loss, but your overall health — you should take inventory of how each system and process in your body is functioning. In the case of deficiencies related to a slow thyroid, when caused by inadequate iodine levels, kelp may provide the stimulus necessary to kick a sluggish thyroid back into gear.


We have kelp as marine ingredient available on


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